Thursday, 12 June 2008

Only A Week To GO!

Are you excited??

There are still a few more places available.

Are you going to join us!?

Thursday, 29 May 2008

Spaces Still Available

This afternoon with Lance Anderson is going to be a must for any scrapbooker.
We still have spaces available, you can book by clicking on the paypal link in the right coloumn.
Hope to see you there

Saturday, 17 May 2008

Inner Circle

Here is the other class that Lance will be teaching.

Inner Circle

You may have seen Rusty Pickle's fabulous 8x8 chipboard circle albums, but you've never seen one dressed up quite like this! Create a one of a kind round album with clever binding technique and three interactive slide out pages.

And if that wasn't enough there is also going to will be a BONUS KIT and a MAKE AND TAKE!
Your arms will be brimming with Rusty Pickle when you leave!

Sunday, 11 May 2008

Lance Anderson Is Coming To Scotland!!

on the 19 June 2008

at The Queensferry Hotel
St Margaret's Head
North Queensferry
KY11 1HP

Ample parking and accessable by public transport

From 14h00 to 21h00

A Picklelicious filled afternoon and evening with Rusty Pickle and Lance Anderson for £70.00

  • So what's included??
    2 classes including a 3 hour class to create this amazing Pocket Pop Up MiniBook

  • Kits for both classes
  • Sandwiches and chips
    And a whole heap of laughing!!

Limited Numbers So Don't Miss Out, Book Your Place Today by clicking on the BUY IT NOW paypal button in the box on the left handside.